
How to contribute


To contribute with, send us a pull request. Ideas and how to contribute below.

How you can help

As we surveyed the webhooks ecosystem for implementations, we started with the top ~150 we could think of, discover, and find examples for, and narrowed our focus to the top 100 measured by sentiment, traffic, and interest from informal polling. We didn't include every webhook provider here but want to expand this to be more comprehensive.

If we missed your favorite webhooks or even your company's webhooks, please feel free to add a pull request filling in the blanks.

Reporting Mistakes

If something changed or we documented something wrong, let us know!

Ideally, submit a pull request. Alternatively, file an issue. Either way, please link to the webhook provider's docs so we can confirm.

Note: We want easily observable facts, not subjective ratings of webhooks, APIs, etc.

Contributing a Patch

  1. Clone our repository
  2. Use the instructions in to deploy locally
  3. Add your changes (most likely to markdown files under /src/pages/)
  4. Confirm that pages still render properly
  5. Submit a pull request with links to relevant docs


We didn't get to add every webhook we wanted, and we would love to include more under /src/pages/docs/! Pull requests are welcome!

Our contributors

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to We appreciate you!

Our contributors - image by

Additional Resources